Lion Brand Nap Time Snuggle Star

by Lion Brand |

Item # 522117185P21
Intermediate Varies


  • LION BRAND® NAP TIME (Art. #171)
  • #149 Pale Grey 2 balls
  • LION BRAND® crochet hook size E-4 (3.5 mm)
  • LION BRAND® stitch markers
  • LION BRAND® large-eyed blunt needle
  • Fiberfill stuffing

  • SIZE:
  • About 14" across from point to point.

  • GAUGE:
  • 22 sc + 22 rnds = about 4".


sc2tog (sc 2 sts together) (Insert hook in next st and draw up a loop) twice, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook - 1 st decreased.

Center of Star is made from 2 circles.
Star Points are worked in joined rnds from outer edge of Circles to point. To begin a Star Point, half of the first rnd sts are worked along one Circle and the other half are worked along the matching sts of the second Circle.
Exact gauge is not essential. However, work tightly so that stuffing does not show through spaces between stitches.

Wrap yarn around index finger. Insert hook into ring on finger, yarn over and draw up a loop. Carefully slip ring from finger and work the stitches of Rnd 1 into the ring.
Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 1, work 5 sc in ring; join with sl st in first sc - you will have 5 sc in this rnd.
Gently but firmly, pull tail to tighten center of ring.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc - 10 sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, * sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, place a marker in last st made; rep from * around; join with sl st in first sc - 15 sc. You will have placed 5 markers.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, * sc in each st to next marked st, 2 sc in marked st, move marker to last st made; rep from * around; join with sl st in first sc - 20 sc.
Rep Rnd 4 until you have a total of 25 rnds - you will have a total of 125 sts with 24 sts between marked sts.
Fasten off. Do not remove markers.
Place Circles with WS together (RS facing out) and stitches and markers matching. Use the markers of one Circle to pin the Circles together.

Place a marker in the center of the top most Circle to indicate the RS. With top circle facing you, choose any marked st and draw up a loop in the st immediately to the right of that marked st.
Rnd 1: Ch 1; working over sts of top Circle only, beg in the same st as joining, sc2tog, sc in next 24 sts (the last st you work will be immediately before the next marked st), leave rem sts of top Circle unworked, turn so that bottom Circle is now facing you; working over matching sts of bottom Circle, sc in next 24 sts, sc2tog; leave rem sts of bottom Circle unworked; join with sl st in first sc of this rnd - 50 sc.
Continue working over sts of this Star Point only.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, *sc2tog, sc in next 21 sts, sc2tog; rep from * once; join with sl st in first sc - 46 sc.
Rnds 4 and 5: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 19 sts, sc2tog; rep from * once; join with sl st in first sc - 42 sc.
Rnds 7 and 8: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 17 sts, sc2tog; rep from * once; join with sl st in first sc - 38 sc.
Rnds 10 and 11: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 12: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 15 sts, sc2tog; rep from * once; join with sl st in first sc - 34 sc.
Rnds 13 and 14: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 13 sts, sc2tog; rep from * once; join with sl st in first sc - 30 sc.
Rnd 16: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 17: Ch 1, (sc2tog) 15 times; join with sl st in first sc - 15 sc.
Rnd 18: Ch 1, sc in first st, (sc2tog) 7 times; join with sl st in first sc - 8 sc.
Rnd 19: Ch 1, (sc2tog) 4 times; join with sl st in first sc - 4 sc.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Thread tail through top of sts of last rnd. Pull tail to close opening at tip of Star Point. Knot securely.

With top (marked in center) Circle facing you, draw up a loop of yarn in the same st as the last st of the previous Star Point (this is the st immediately to the right of a marked st).
Complete this Star Point by following First Star Point instructions.
Before beginning the 5th Star Point, stuff Star and Points firmly. Then stuff 5th Star Point firmly as you work, finish stuffing the Point after completing Rnd 18.

Weave in ends.

beg = begin(ning)(s)
ch = chain
rem = remaining
rep = repeat
rnd(s) = round(s)
RS = right side
sc = single crochet
sl st = slip stitch
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side

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