Kid Travel Pillow

by JOANN |

Item # 312361226P705
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • Fabric Scissors
  • Snowflake Pattern
  • Main Fabric
  • Solid White Fabric
  • Coordinating Thread (that will also contrast on white snowflake)
  • Iron-On Interfacing
  • Stuffing
  • Fabric Glue Stick or Quilt Spray


To find the downloadable patterns click on the "GET PATTERNS" tab above.
  1. Cut the two neck pillow pieces from the fabric with the pattern.
  2. Interface a section of the white fabric then cut out 3 snowflakes.
  3. Using a fabric glue stick (or quilt spray) place the snowflakes on one piece of the outer fabric, remembering that seam allowance is 5/8" around outer edge.
  4. Top-stitch the snowflakes, taking your time with the contrast thread.
  5. Match the two pieces, right sides together and sew around the edge, leaving a 3 inch opening to turn the pillow right side out.
  6. With scissors, cut triangles in the seam allowance every half inch or so, being careful not to cut through the stitching.
  7. Turn right side out and fill with stuffing. Take time to fully separate the stuffing before filling the pillow so you don't get lumps.
  8. Hand sew the opening closed.

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