Fleece Blanket with Fringe

by JOANN |

Item # 261934709P30
Beginner Varies


  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Rotary cutter
  • Cutting board
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • Scotch, Blue Painters Tape, 1 roll
  • Fleece, Luxe, 60" wide:

  • Blanket:
  • Red 2 1/2 yards
  • Cream with wide stripe 2 1/2 yards (when purchasing the stripe pattern try to have a darker stripe at either end of the 2 1/2 yards)

  • 20"x 20" Pillows with fringe:
  • Pattern fleece 2/3 yard
  • Red 1/4 yard
  • Pillow form: 20"x 20"

  • 15"x 30" Pillow:
  • Pattern fleece 1 yard or more depending on the pattern (Will need 2 @ 16"x 23" and one @ 16"x 31")
  • Pillow form: 15"x 30"


  1. Lay out red fleece RSU. Make sure that the ends are cut square to the sides. Lay the striped fleece RSD on top. Align the stripes on the ends of the blankets with the red. Pin together all the way around. Do not remove the selvage edges. Place painters tape along the selvage edges as a guide for sewing. Place the tape just inside of the pattern edge to use as much of the width of the fabric as possible. Sew around all four sides leaving the center 2' of one short side open for turning. Clip off the corners close to the stitching and cut off the seams to 1/4" except at the opening. Turn the blanket RSO.
  2. Lay the blanket out flat. Turn in the edges of the opening and pin to match the rest of that edge. Pin all the way around the blanket about 1" in from the edge. Sew 1/4" from edge. Do not remove pins. Sew a second line 1/4" in from the first.
  3. Optional: Lay the blanket out flat and pin along stripes. Sew from side to side of the blanket using the stripes as a guide.

    20"x 20" Pillow with fringe:
  1. Cut one piece of fleece 21"x 50" RSU. While this panel is still flat, place painters tape or pins to mark 15" in from the short ends, both top and bottom. This is the location for the fringe.
  2. Fold a short side 1" in WST. Pin and double stitch. Repeat for the other end.
  3. Cut four strips of red fleece 2 1/2"x 20". On a cutting board lay one strip lined up with grid on the board. Lay a piece of painters tape 1/2" from the top edge of the fleece, lengthwise past the ends of the fleece and secure the ends to the board. This tape will be the guide for the length of the cuts of fringe. Cut toward the tape every 1/2" down the entire length of the strip. Repeat for all four strips. Remove the tape. Lay two strips WST, pin and sew 1/4" from the top, uncut edge.
  4. Lay fringe on the RS of the pillow panel lining up the ends with the tape/pin marks. Line up the edges. Flatten out the fringe to the pillowcase. Lay a piece of tape over the fringe and on to the pillowcase to keep the fringe from catching in the seams. Sew 1/4" from the edge. Repeat.
  5. Fold one short end of pillowcase RST over fringed center section. Make sure that it is square. Pin and sew 1/2" from edges on fringed sides. Lay the second short side over the first. Make sure that this creates a 20" wide panel (height will be 21" with the fringe seams). Sew 1/2" from edge. Clip corners. Turn RSO, remove tape from fringe and stuff with pillow form.

    15"x 30" Pillow:
  1. Cut two pieces of fleece 16"x 23" and one piece 16"x 31". The short ends of these will match up. Line up pattern when cutting. Sew the three panels together, 1/2" SA, with the long panel in the middle.
  2. Fold a short side 1" in WST. Pin and double stitch. Repeat for the other end.
  3. Fold one short end of the pillowcase RST over center section. Make sure that it is square. Pin the top and bottom and sew 1/2" from edges. Lay the second short side over the first, pin and sew 1/2" from edges. Clip corners. Turn RSO and stuff with pillow form.

Craft Hack Tips and Tricks:

  • When sewing around the edge of the RSO blanket sew slowly making sure that the two sides of fabrics are stacked. Use rotary cutters for accuracy on straight cuts. Fringe cuts are easier with sharp scissors.
  • When sewing the pillow sides to the center it is best to sew one side at a time. This is thick material and may shift if too many layers are sewn at once. Sew the second panel from the side where stitching is visible. Stay on top of the other stitching for a clean edge.

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