POP! Fabric No Sew Wall Hanging

by POP! |

Item # 182110799P315
Intermediate 3-5 Hours


  • Templates provided
  • Fabric:
  • Stiff fabric backer
    6 fabrics in your choice of colors/patterns
  • Heat N Bond Iron-on adhesive
  • Scissors
  • X-acto blade
  • Hot glue gun / glue
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • 2" wide unfinished wood piece
  • Yarn
  • Saw
  • Sandpaper


  1. To print the templates, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above). Cut out.
  2. Use the templates as a guide to determine fabric size needed. Iron on a piece of Heat N Bond to the wrong side of the fabric. Once the paper is cool, trace the template onto the Heat N Bond paper. Make sure to draw with the correct side of the template up so the pattern is correct.
  3. Repeat step 2 with each piece of fabric and template piece.
  4. Once all the pieces are Heat N Bonded and the template shape traced onto the fabric, cut out the fabric piece. Repeat with each piece.
  5. Lay the 6 fabric pieces onto the stiff backer fabric in the layout shown in the template. Iron the pieces in place.
  6. Trim the backer fabric around the outer edge of the design to remove the excess material.
  7. Once the fabric piece is finished, lay the unfinished wood across the top to mark off where to cut. Cut the wood piece so that it hangs off about 1" on either side. Cut so you have 2 pieces the same length.
  8. Sand the edges to remove any splinters and set aside.
  9. Decide the length of your string for hanging. This will depend on how long you want your fabric wall hanging to be. Cut 6 pieces of yarn 6" longer than the length to factor in length shortening from braiding. Braid the 6 strands together grouping them in 3 strands of 2.
  10. Lay one piece of unfinished wood across the top of the fabric wall hanging under the top so that the fabric is covering the bottom half of the wood. Hot glue in place. Make sure to make the ends the same amount on either side of the fabric.
  11. Trim one end of the braided yarn so it's even at the start of the braid, glue in place a few inches in from one end of the wall hanging onto the wood piece that was glued in place in step 10.
  12. Check the desired length of the yarn and trim to size, take the trimmed end and glue in place the same distance in on the other side of the banner. Gluing in place to the wood piece going across the top. Make sure to lay the strands flat when gluing and not to bunch them up. This will help the second piece of wood lay flat when glued in place.
  13. Glue the top piece of wood down to cover the yarn and fabric ends and finish off the top.
  14. Hang and enjoy!

Craft Hack Tips and Tricks:

  • Fabrics with less stretch are easier to work with when applying the adhesive Heat N Bond and ironing onto the backer piece.

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