Beaded Chandelier

by JOANN |

Item # 262027328P99
Intermediate Weekend Project


  • Assorted beads & crystals
  • Clear cord
  • Scissors
  • Metal hanging chandelier base with hooks
  • Small wire rings


  1. Strand bead of choice on one of the 12" pieces of clear cord. Loop the cord through the opposite end of the bead and pull tight to secure first bead in place. Continue adding beads to the cord until beaded area is about 4-5" in length with excess cord on each end. Vary colors and pattern with the beads to have variety on the chandelier.
  2. Attach 30 pieces of beaded cord to each tier of the chandelier vertically by tying knots at each end to the metal frame of the chandelier.
  3. Create small crystal charms by attaching small wire rings to beads and hanging various crystals at the ends. Hang crystal charms from the hooks on the outside of the chandelier base.

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