Fabric Button Sewing Toys

by JOANN |

Item # 522173376P102
Intermediate 3-5 Hours


  • Pattern Templates
  • 1/4yd of 4 desired flannel fabrics
  • 1/4yd of light grey flannel fabric
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Sewing needle
  • Thread
  • White cotton yarn
  • 1 1/2yds cotton batting
  • Air soluble marker
  • Iron
  • Fiberfil stuffing


  1. Cut out each button and the sewing needle from the pattern templates.
  2. Cut 2 pieces of fabric and 2 pieces of cotton batting for each button. Make sure to leave about an inch around the edge of each shape.
  3. Layer bottom fabric piece, two layers of cotton batting, top fabric piece. Trace the button into the top fabric piece with an air soluble marker.
  4. Sew along the shape of the button.
  5. Trim along the edge of the button and cut out the button holes.
  6. Repeat for each button.
  7. Cut 3 pieces of cotton yarn 3' each. Knot one end and braid the pieces. Knot the end.
  8. Cut out two pieces of gray fabric for the sewing needles. Place together with right sides facing, sandwiching the braided yarn piece between the front and back, making sure that one knotted end comes out of the top of the needle.
  9. Sew along the needle, leaving a hole for turning and stuffing. Be sure to only sew over the yarn part at the top of the needle.
  10. Turn the needle.
  11. Sew the needle hole from the outside of the piece.
  12. Stuff the needle, and then hand stitch the hole closed.


  • Always make sure that the needle will fit through the button holes, when trimming the holes of the button.

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