DIY Striped Long Sleeve Tie-Dye Shirt

by Tulip |

Item # 212111555P215
Beginner Varies


  • Tulip 2 Minute Tie Dye Kit
  • White long sleeve T-shirt
  • Elastic bands


  1. Scrunch your shirt up lengthwise, into a long snake.
  2. We made three stripes, so you'll need four elastics. Wrap each elastic around your shirt, making sure they are evenly spaced apart.
  3. Take your dye bottles and squirt one color onto each stripe, making sure to add color all the way around the shirt. We used blush, mint and coral.
  4. Place into the microwave using the container included with tie dye kit. We used a glass container to separate the dyed part from the white part of the shirt so that the dye didn't leak to other parts of the shirt in the microwave.
  5. Wash and dry your shirt.

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