Deco Mesh Flower Wreath

by JOANN |

Item # 432060603P21
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • Deco mesh - 5" width pink and 10" width green
  • Scissors
  • 12" Wire wreath frame
  • Cardstock
  • Zip ties
  • Hot glue gun
  • String or ribbon
  • Pushpin


  1. Begin by tracing the center of the wire wreath frame on a piece of thick cardstock. Cut out the cardstock circle. Starting at the center of the circle, use a push pin to poke several holes in a circle in the center. Poke zip ties through the holes and make sure the end fastener is on the front of the cardstock. These zip ties will be anchors to attach the deco mesh. Continue poking small holes in a circular motion around the cardstock and add additional zip ties to add the deco mesh flower petals, leaving about 1/2" between zip ties.
  2. Use zip ties to attach the cardstock in the center of the wire wreath frame. Add zip ties along the edges of the wire on the wreath frame.
  3. Use scissors to cut pink deco mesh into 5" long pieces, so the pieces are 5"x 5" squares.
  4. Fold the deco mesh diagonally and pinch the corner where two corners meet. Attach corner through the zip tie in the center of the cardstock and pull the zip tie tight, trimming the end with scissors. Use hot glue to attach the pointed ends of the “petals" underneath one another, creating a rose. Repeat and continue adding deco mesh to the zip ties on the wire wreath frame. Layer and stagger the petals to cover the cardstock and wire wreath frame. Leave about 1" around the edge to add in leaves.
  5. To create leaves, use scissors to cut green deco mesh into 10" long pieces so the pieces are 10"x 10" squares. Fold the deco mesh diagonally, then fold the two sides toward the center to create a leaf shape. Begin attaching the leaves along the edges of the wire wreath frame, making sure to cover the wire frame.
  6. Attach a 12" piece of string or ribbon to the wire frame to hang the wreath.

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